

时间:2019-07-26 20:12:55 分享:爱玩网 人气:




  • Moonlight like water:月明如水
  • To review:重新审视
  • Invalid oath:无效誓
  • Black light:背灯
  • Have this life:有今生
  • Eyebrow bend:眉弯
  • Yee you life:绮游浮生
  • Wind and rain in:风雨急
  • Three gorgon euryale:叁芡
  • I pray you be not angry:将子无怒
  • Non fish:子非鱼
  • Fraught with difficulties:荆棘满途
  • A paper wind:一纸清风
  • The thin clothes:衣裳薄
  • Time to catch:岁月赶
  • Guard you:佑
  • Underground:地下
  • The quilt:海浪棉被
  • Breadfruit tree:面包树
  • Autumn grave:秋坟
  • If you heat the snow:你如热雪
  • Old to swim:旧游
  • Support you:支持你
  • Dust in the wind:风中尘埃
  • No.7 train:七号列车
  • The westerly thin:西风瘦
  • Tim:徒添内疚
  • Hands up and surrender:双手投降
  • Wait for:静候
  • Come to a bad end:死无葬身之地
  • The mystery hidden:玄机深藏
  • Please listen to drift:请用心听
  • Pillow river lack:枕畔湖
  • Insects awaken:惊蛰
  • You fly:你快飞
  • Coincidence:巧合
  • Rain hand to review:覆手为雨
  • The view:时下观照
  • Alive:活着
  • And I often in:与我常在
  • I say :我说
  • Osprey:雎
  • No engaged:无下世
  • A pot of wine:一壶清酒
  • Very Stupid:很蠢
  • But it will not complain:终不怨
  • First frost:霜降
  • Neither candidate:逾期不候
  • Turn the hands as clouds:翻手为云
  • Walk forward:向前走
  • The reborn:重生者
  • This moment:这一瞬
  • I know so:知我如此
  • Omen:预兆
  • In-law:促膝长谈
  • East West mirror bottle:东瓶西镜放
  • Be hostile to:敌视
  • South into the string:南风入弦
  • The years long:岁月长
  • Read a heaven:一念天堂
  • The account thousand lamp:千帐灯
  • Across the Atlantic:横越大西洋
  • Sweet with a disc:沾香一瓣
  • John lennon:约翰列侬
  • Greying at the temples:两鬓斑白
  • Don't talk:不要说话
  • Pour tea:泼茶香
  • Across the oceans:漂洋过海
  • Self-pity:妄自菲薄
  • Taught:倚恃
  • Drank Drank Drunk:千杯不醉
  • Read a hell:一念地狱
  • In the heart in ghosts:心里有鬼
  • Disappointed guest:惆怅客
  • Nigh bird:不眠鸟
  • Mad World:疯狂世界
  • Do you want to obedient:你要听话
  • Swig:痛饮
  • Clear night half:清宵半
  • This start:彼粒星
  • Green:青冢
  • Everything changes:万物皆变
  • Illness and old:生老病死
  • Cripple:废人
  • Shell:躯壳
  • Bad luck:倒霉透顶
  • Bottoms up:干杯
  • Joys and sorrows:喜怒哀乐
  • The monument:残碑
  • Ten years trace:十年踪迹
  • Absurd years:荒唐岁月


